Planning Blog: Additional Information- Ironing out the Edges
Hello, I'm glad to see that you've returned for our official planning blog, regarding the way in which wewill keep things running smoothly, no matter what challenges we may face. Below you'll find thatI've divided our plan up into five different sections so that everything is easier to understand and visualize.
In order to ensure that the participants and each of their roles for this particular project are clear,I've broken down each of their "positions" below:
Anthony as "Ronnie"
Tanya as "Mom"
Jordyn Minnis
Nicole Kimmick
Julissa Espinal
Yaneli Zelaya
Jordyn Minnis
Jordyn Minnis
* Regarding our official actors, our finalizations will be made within the coming week; however, we arecurrently putting in one of our groupmates' friends as he was interested in the role. When it comes to the roleof Mom, one of our teammate's parents has also agreed to play that role. Additionally, for privacy reasons,we've excluded the last names of our actors.
At this time, we will likely be filming at one of our candidate's family members' homes, for which we didreceive permission to do so. As seen in our script, we will be utilizing the kitchen and living room, as well asone of the home's bedrooms and hallways. We plan on using stairs within our film; however, that will dependentirely on how much time we have and whether or not we are able to fit the scene in. I've attached twopictures of the exterior of their home below.
Filming Schedule:
To make our filming schedule more digestible and easy to understand, I've divided it up into the dates weneed to have certain components of our project started and completed by:
On Monday, February 28th, 2022, my group and I will begin storyboarding for our two-minute long filmopening; we will have it finished by Friday, March 4th, 2022.
On Sunday, March 6th, 2022, my group and I will begin filming for our opening sequence, if we have notstarted to do so already, and will ensure to have this completed by Monday, March 28th, 2022.
On Monday, March 7th, 2022, my group and I will also begin editing for our opening and have that step of ourproject done by Sunday, April 10th, 2022 at the latest, to ensure that our final product is complete byApril 15th, 2022.
Health and Safety:
We will ensure to have an adult present at all times who is capable of administering first aid in the case ofan emergency. If we need to stand on something in order to obtain a higher shot, we will see to it that theplatform is stable and, if not, look for another means of filming the scene. Since our scenes require theutilization of electricity, particularly when it comes to the flickering of the lights, we will be sure to keepall metal items away from any electrical sockets so that we can avoid being shocked. In addition, we will alsohave a fire extinguisher handy, so we can use it if necessary.
Backup Plan:
As previously stated, there is the possibility that we may not be able to use a staircase in our film;therefore, if need be, we could refrain from using that shot as one of our scenes and instead use a shot of ahallway, or none at all. Additionally, if one of us is unable to drive to our teammate's family member's home,we will convene at an alternative location, that being a fellow group member's home. Moreover, since we arefilming indoors for the majority of our opening, the weather is not one of our major concerns, except for thefact that it may lead to the triggering of loud noises, such as thunder, which may interfere with our film's audio.In the case that this was to occur, we'd need to reschedule to shoot on another day; hence why we created aschedule to provide ourselves with about two weeks of leeway to make up for any filming setbacks. As for whatwe would do in the case that one of our groupmates were to catch COVID-19, we'd ensure to keep them updatedvia technological means and simply have another one of our team members fill in for their position. Furthermore, as with our previous project, the subject of our film will not be any one of the members of ourgroup, so if one of us were to be exposed to the virus, we would not be pushed back when it comes to filming.As for the music in our film, whilst I did reach out to a few artists and their music corporations through varioussocial media accounts, emails, and phone numbers, I have had yet to receive a response. That being the case,my group and I have decided that if we do not receive a response within a month (the lengthy period of timebeing permissible as the audio would be added during the editing phase of our production), we would eitherresort to creating our own music with Garageband or using royalty-free music online, or perhaps even acombination of the two.
Concluding Remarks:
As this blog comes to a close, I'd like to say that there really "Ain't no stoppin' us now, we're on the move;ain't no stoppin' us now, we've got the groove" (McFadden & Whitehead).
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