Introduction Blog: Action!



My name is Yaneli Zelaya and this is my third project for my AICE Media class. This project I’m going to be doing a movie opening sequence with my group.

I’m especially excited for this project because I love watching movies. I enjoy watching sad movies, thriller movies, fantasy movies, and horror movies. Especially the psychological horror movies. My all time favorite movies are The Platform and Midsommar. They are very different compared to each other but they both have symbolism that really make the movies for what they are.

Movie series and fantasy go hand in hand for me. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and Narnia are fantasy movie series’ that I absolutely love.

Fantasy has a special place in my heart because anything could happen and you wouldn’t question it because it’s all in a different world with magic and other worldly entities. It’s also an interesting genre to me because it must take a lot of imagination and different ideas to come up with something as silly as wizards and rings with powers. It’s not something you normally think about every day.

So this project will be interesting and enjoyable for me to do something related to movie production. I know that my group and I will do great and come up with something exciting.


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