Time to Edit!


     Today I began editing our first clips that we filmed the other day. With the clips loaded and placed next to each other, I was able to see what needed to be changed or edited in the clips. 

    The first mistake I noticed was that in the first clip, when the main actor grabs the phone, there was a delay with the song. Meaning, the clip and the song weren't in sync as I had planned. What I suggested doing to fix this problem was to cut the beginning of the song to see if then if it will be in sync. That did not fix the problem and so then I tried to move the beginning of the clip further into the song which also did not work. Instead I found that, when the next clips begins the beat drops and I felt like that was enough considering there were other clips to go through.

    The next thing I was focusing on was the scene where tilt transition. The clip where Brandon, the main actor, lays down on the bad and the camera moves with him and it transitions into him walking out the door. Between those two clips there was a black gap. To fix this, both clips were cut into fitting the other clip, creating a smooth transition between both clips. The end result of this transition was much better than expected.

    After that, the rest of the clips consisted of cutting it short from unnecessary film time. The clips needed to be aligned properly with each other so the video can go smoothly.

    The goal was to have the house door close but before it closes the clip changes into the car door completely closing. The issue with this scene was that both doors didn't seem to be aligned while filming, but it was able to be fixed by cutting the ending of the house door closing and cutting the beginning to the car door closing. That way the clips would be in sync. 

    After all that, there were a few problems that needed editing within itself. That is the phone screen text is hard to read in the video. The exposure on the screen is really high and to fix it I'm thinking the contrast needs to be slightly heightened and the exposure lowered.. The only issue with that is that it might alter the rest of the video and it might give it a different look than what the video is originally going for.

    Another issue in the video, is that when the main actor leaves the room, there is no mess in the background. The plan was to make the room messy to give off the depressed lazy vibe. However, I feel like that vibe could be done better with making a mess behind the actor as he walks out the bedroom. 

    Even with these small issues, the first half of the video came out well and I am really looking forward to finishing the rest of the video. It's really coming together so far and the finished product will look amazing.


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