Ready? And ACTION!


    Yesterday we began filming our music video. I arrived a bit later than everyone else but it was alright because we did a lot of progress for our first day. 

I was the one that brought a LED lamp for lighting, I set it up next to the bed where we were going to be filming and everyone agreed on the color purple. 

    Since I will be playing the dead girlfriend, I began by changing my clothes into a light blue shirt to give off happy, lively vibes. Over that, I put on Brandon's, the main actor of the music video and the boyfriend, jacket to show that they had some sort of relationship. 

    Brandon and I took selfies together and pictures together to put as his lock screen on his phone. We took photos in three different locations for more options and variety. First, I took some selfies outside in front of a tree, then we went inside and took some in front of a picture wall, and lastly I took some more in front of vines with LED lights.

    After I took the photos I waited until everyone else had situated their contact photos, messages, and phone times needed for the music video. 

    The first few scenes was being filmed and there was trouble fitting in what the scene was with such a short three seconds. The scene that was giving me issues was the scene where Brandon texts "I miss you" to Eve. That scene is supposed to take up to three seconds but Brandon couldn't text that fast. I said it'd be better if the text was already there, and he hesitates to send the message instead of opening the messages app and texting it, it would take more than three seconds.

    I'd also help direct Brandon how to act natural but keeping the sad and depressed energy. I told him how to grab the pillow while laying on it at the same time. 

    As each scene was being filmed I'd occasionally pitch in ideas if something wasn't going as planned. I also had the iPad with the song Saturday Nights playing because the music video needed to be timed right and it helped with how long each scenes was supposed to be. 

    One of the scenes in the video is in a car and midway, we lost the keys to the car. Without the keys we couldn't open the car so I spent a while looking for the keys helping the others. I traced back to where I was and where everyone else was. Once the keys were found, I went outside to film the cars scene. 

     By that time, it was late and it was time to go, I said my goodbyes and left. Overall, the first day filming was fun and I can't wait to do the rest of the video. 


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