Filming? Check!


Today we've finished filming our commercial 100%. Finally!

The only clip needed today was the clip of Nico’s hand going into the Arizona desert to get the drink.

Since one of our teammates wasn't here today, Jordyn, it was just me it was just Nico, Julie, and I filming the last clip we needed for the commercial.

The original plan was to record it in the baseball field, however we couldn't find a way in, so we used the softball field instead. It wasn't that big of a change because both fields have the orange sand we needed for our commercial. We got settled and got everything out and in place to begin filming.

Our props are printouts of the Arizona desert on pieces of cardboard. It wasn't as easy to work with as we thought it was, especially with the wind blowing it away every so often. To solve this, I placed little piles of sand behind the printout so they wouldn't fall over so easily. It worked for a while, but I decided to place a few rocks around it to give it that natural desert look. The rocks also made it sturdier and harder for the wind to blow away. It worked well enough for Julie and Nico to film the clip.

I was pretty much on backstage duty since I finished my scene the class before. Today, I mostly consisted of putting the printouts in the proper places to shoot the clip. I’d adjust them in different angles and distances to make it look as real as possible. I would also spray the can before filming to give the can a cool, refreshed look. When drinks are cold, they condense, but because we were in the heat, the Arizona drink was already warm and needed water to be sprayed on. I would also occasionally spray Nico and myself to cool down since we were sweating from the heat.

I took a break and went to the shade to review the clips we had. Some were bad, but we got our shot after several takes and experimenting with the props. The clips were sent to Jordyn so she could give her opinions on them. She approved and by then it was time to get our stuff and head to class.


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